Christmas competition
Published: 04 October 2023
Horsforth Town Council, along with Horsforth Town Team, is planning the Horsforth Christmas Lights Switch On and Market event and this year it is going to be bigger and more exciting than ever. However, we need your help!
Please see attached a frame template ready to put around the official poster advertising the lights switch on event. We are inviting all the children of Horsforth to enter our competition to design a frame for our poster. The winner will be picked by our judges and will be used to advertise our Christmas lights switch on event. Are you up to the challenge?
How to enter
• Print off copies of the attached frame template. Please make sure it is printed on A4 portrait.
• Each child can use the template as a guide to design their frame. Please use the outer frame section for your design, not the centre.
Get as creative as you like, but please note that the winning frame will be scanned in and incorporated into the poster so any 3D objects won’t work very well. But the use of paints, pencils, felt tips, crayons, glitter or flat materials stuck on will work just fine. Do not worry about including text details about the event, all the information about the event will be included in the centre section.
• Drop off all completed frames to the Town Council office at The Stables, 2 Church Road, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5LG by Friday, 13 October 2023.
Can each entry please include the name of the pupil, school and year group. We will only publicise the winner on our website and social media channels if permission is granted by their parent or guardian.
The winning frame will then be picked by our judges and used as the official poster for the 2023 lights switch on event. Will write to our winning pupil’s school to invite them to join us in helping turning the Christmas lights on.