The agendas, minutes and financial records for all Council and Committee meetings are open for viewing. The past two years are available to view by clicking on the relevant committee below. If you wish to view agendas and meetings from 2018/19 or earlier, please contact the office.
Full Council meets every two months throughout the Council year to oversee the work of the Committees. Committees are made up of smaller numbers of Councillors and are formed to ensure that specific local issues get attended to in detail. Each committee has set up with a specific remit and set of tasks. They work within regulations, set out in the Standing Orders and in the Terms of Reference for that committee. All committee decisions are approved by full Council before any action from that decision is carried out.
An Annual
Town Meeting is held every year in which community organisations are encouraged
to report on their activities over the year. It is also an opportunity for the
Council to present an overview of its work and achievements since the previous
meeting. Additionally the public is welcomed and encouraged to participate in
the public question time. The law states the meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June and this years meeting was held on 23rd March 2023. The date of the 2024 Annual Town Meeting will be confirmed in January 2024.
Horsforth Town Council has four committees and Full Council: