All Town Council business and meetings are conducted in accordance with legislation governing the conduct of Town/Parish Councils (the main piece of legislation being the Local Government Act 1972).
In addition the Town Council business is conducted in accordance with Standing Orders and Financial Procedures, which are revised annually in light of national guidelines on best practice.
Three core documents govern how the Parish Council operates:
- the Standing Orders
- the Code of Conduct
- the Financial Regulations
Whilst these documents are adopted by the Town Council, many of the provisions within them are required by statute, so they cannot be changed by the Town Council and they must be followed by the Town Council.
The Town Council has also adopted a series of
policies and procedures which set out how the Town Council operates. Again, some of these reflect statutory requirements or are the law under which public bodies operate. Others reflect best practice in terms of ensuring good and transparent governance by the Town Council.
All of these documents are reviewed regularly.