Horsforth Town Council has several committees and working groups, each with specific roles, responsibilities and duties.
The Community & Environment Committee is responsible for assessing and administering the grants and sponsorships to community groups throughout the year. It also grants the Good Citizen and Young Achiever awards each year. The committee oversees the Horsforth Matters newsletter, via communication with the Editorial Working Group. Over the years the Community & Environment has purchased and maintained the hanging baskets and flower troughs across Horsforth, partly through sponsorship of Horsforth in Bloom and litter picks have also been organised by members of the committee to keep the town looking clean, which has helped Horsforth be regarded as the best place to live in Leeds.
Horsforth Town Council is a statutory consultee for all new planning applications made to Leeds City that sit within the Horsforth Boundary. The Planning, Licensing and Traffic Committee review all new applications to ensure that the character of Horsforth and its conservation areas are preserved. They also monitor licencing applications within Horsforth and will object to any establishment seeking to extend their opening hours by one hour or more per day. All traffic schemes planning by Leeds City Council are reviewed and discussed by PLT who support or object as appropriate. PLT report to full Council on a regular basis to ensure that Horsforth Town Council keeps abreast of any planning, licensing or traffic issues that will have a major impact on Horsforth. The committee meets monthly and members of the public are welcome to attend.
The Financial and General Purpose Committee has a wide range of duties. It reviews and prepares the budget for Council for the forthcoming financial year, which it submits to Full Council for ratification. It monitors spending by Council by undertaking regular checks and audit of all expenditure and bank accounts; any extra spending that is not specified in the budget but is deemed as necessary has to be approved by F&GP Committee before the committee asks for ratification at Full Council. The committee also assesses the Council’s annual statement of accounts, and reviews the internal Audit report each year. The committee reviews all Council policies and procedures and financial regulations to ensure that they are up to date with current legislation. Finance & General Purpose Committee also consider all complaints against the Council and respond appropriately. Safety issues also fall within its remit, including community safety, crime prevention and home safety schemes where appropriate for Horsforth.
The Community & Environment Committee is responsible for assessing and administering the grants and sponsorships to community groups throughout the year. It also grants the Good Citizen and Young Achiever awards each year. The committee oversees the Horsforth Matters newsletter, via communication with the Editorial Working Group. Over the years the Community & Environment has purchased and maintained the hanging baskets and flower troughs across Horsforth, partly through sponsorship of Horsforth in Bloom and litter picks have also been organised by members of the committee to keep the town looking clean, which has helped Horsforth be regarded as the best place to live in Leeds.
The Staffing and Employment Committee meet on an ad hoc basis. Meetings are called when needed to discuss matters relating to staff of the Council. This includes human resources tasks such as recruitment, line management of existing staff with regular staff appraisals and consideration and review of employment law.
The Town Council is also represented on a number of external groups.
For the current committee, working group and external membership lists.