Horsforth Town Council Office is located behind Horsforth Museum.
The address is:
Horsforth Town Council, The Stables, Church Road, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5LG
The office will open by appointment only until further notice.
To contact the office, please use the email link below, the contact form on this page, or via telephone.
To contact the Town Clerk, please call Becky Crabtree on 0113 258 0988 (See contact details below for the Housing Office) during the office times stated above
or 07526 567591, Monday - Friday, 9am -5pm.
You can contact Steph White on 07926 651640 during the office times stated above.
If you need to contact the housing office situated at Horsforth Housing Office, The Brownlee Stone Centre, Town Street,
please contact Leeds City Council on 0113 378 2535 or visit the Leeds City Council website.