Horsforth Repair Cafe
Published: 06 December 2022
Horsforth Town Council working proudly in partnership with Horsforth Climate Action – Our first Horsforth Repair Café: Saturday 3rd December, 2.00pm – 5.00pm
I had the pleasure of helping and supporting our first Horsforth Repair Café on Saturday afternoon at St. Margaret’s Parish Hall. It was a true team effort from everyone, with Caroline Tomes and Anthony Smith successfully leading our group.
It proved a huge success with people turning-up with a whole host of items to be repaired by our menders. For our first event it was fabulous to see so many items being fixed and tears when they were brought back to life! People also enjoyed the complimentary teas and coffees on offer, sharing a chat with each other as they waited for the required repairer to call them up to their table.
If you were not able to make it this time, we will be back at St. Margaret’s on Saturday 7th January (the first Saturday of each month) 2.00pm - 5.00pm.
A big “ WELL DONE” to everyone involved in the preparation, planning and hosting of Saturday’s event.
Happy Christmas and a Festive New Year.
Tracy Stones
Chairman, Horsforth Town Council