Horsforth Fairtrade Town
Published: 06 June 2022
Horsforth has been a Fairtrade Town since April 2015. What does this mean?
Horsforth has met five goals as set by the Fairtrade Foundation:
- Horsforth Town Council passed a resolution supporting Fairtade.
- A range of Fairtrade products is available locally in shops and cafes.
- Schools, churches, workplaces and local community organisations support Fairtrade and use Fairtrade products whenever possible.
- Events are organised to raise awareness and the understanding of Fairtrade.
- A Fairtrade Steering Group representing different organisations co-ordinates activities and meets regularly.
Since the big day in September 2015 when we held a launch party to celebrate Horsforth becoming a Fairtrade Town, we have continued to hold events to raise awareness of Fairtrade.
Look out for places that sell Fairtrade products and buy some. That way, you will be helping farmers and communities in the developing world have better lives, education and health care.
The work I have described is only possible because of support from Horsforth Town Council and Horsforth Churches Together. Thank you to them and to all the businesses, community organisations and customers who are helping to build on our success as a Fairtrade Town.
Cllr J Pritlove.